IDeaS develops and distributes software that uses advanced AI to help hospitality organizations price their inventory in ways that maximize profits.

That’s a simple way of describing complex work, and that’s what IDeaS hired me to do. Beyond writing copy on my own, I collaborated with team members across departments to strategize and create content for campaigns and other large-scale projects.


  • Create and develop content

  • Provide creative and strategic direction

  • Manage and lead projects, tasks, campaigns, and workflow

  • Coordinate and collaborate with stakeholders across departments

  • Conduct market research

  • Copy edit materials and develop brand voice, messaging, tone, etc.

  • Support team members in creating multi-media content


  • web content

  • digital display ads

  • trade journal ads

  • trade show assets

  • sales support assets

  • blog posts & thought leadership articles

  • PR articles

  • landing pages

  • microsites

  • swag, gifts, and branded giveaways

  • internal communications

  • emails

  • video scripts

  • executive bios

  • eBooks

  • virtual buyer’s guides and product catalogs